Sunday, February 23, 2025
Force Investigations Team

Use of Force Training Evaluation

Controversial Use of Force is believed cause more Chiefs the loss of their job than any other activity of a police department.   F.I.T. can evaluate your Use of Force training program to ensure you are meeting or exceeding generally accepted standards.  Your agency will be provided simple recommendations, as necessary, to improve your training quickly and make it more meaningful.

F.I.T. will evaluate if your cops are being taught all the right things and being tested in training to best prepare them for the real world they are facing.

We recommend evaluating your use of force program prior to a controversial incident, but understand the realities of policing.  Evaluations are best after:

  • Assuming Command of an Agency
  • An Increase in Use of Force Incidents
  • An Increase in Use of Force Complaints
  • Spot Checking an Agency
  • Improving Operations
  • Controversial Incidents

The review will focus on, and make suggestions (as necessary) in the following areas:

  • Overview of Training Program
  • Spotting Trends in UoF
  • Most Common IA Complaints
  • Lesson Planning
  • Competency Testing
  • Reality Based Training
  • Reporting & Report Writing
  • Preliminary Use of Force Investigations
  • In-Service Training
  • Basic Policy Review

At the conclusion of the review your agency will be provided a written analysis of the agencies strengths and suggested improvements.  Included in the recommendations will be actionable steps that your agency can implement quickly to increase the officer’s awareness of use of force issues, while minimizing the exposure to your agency.  These are actionable steps, not theory or vague recommendations.  They are a blueprint to action.

Contact F.I.T. today for a consultation.